- 产品型号:
- 产品品牌:
- 产品价格:面议
- 所属地区:北京市、市辖区、通州区
- 发布日期:2011/7/26
- 有 效 期:2011/8/5 0:00:00
- 浏 览 量:3615
This is Luna from Beijing Kincolor Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. Our company specialize in ink products which contain solvent ink and Eco-solvent ink,and we have own brand 'SAVEN' .You can get the details information in our web www.saven.com.cn. I think maybe you need ink products ,If you interested in our products ,you can contact with me any time. Email: lunahou@jetcmyk.com Msn: luna_hou@msn.cn Skype: luna_hou Mobile:156 5250 9688
- 联系人:lunahou
- 性别:女
- 电话:15652509688
- 传真:60546418
- 公司网址:www.saven.com
- QQ:290855182
- 电子邮箱:lunahou@jetcmyk.com
- 邮政编号:101101
- 联系地址:北京市通州区梨园京洲园411-1
- 公司名称:Beijing Kincolor Digital Technology Co.,Ltd