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[供应]供应激光裁床 激光雕刻机

  • 产品型号:YD-1318/ 1326/1626
  • 产品品牌:云雕
  • 产品格价:55000.00
  • 所属地区:广东省、广州市、越秀区
  • 有 效 期:2012/4/24 0:00:00
  • 浏 览 量:3394
  • 发布日期:2011/4/14 17:22:59
云雕YD-1318/ 1326/1626型激光裁床是根据广告、装饰装潢及相关行业发展需要而专门开发的激光设备。此类机型具有高速雕刻和高速切割双重功效。设备配置进口导轨运行稳定,先进的DSP控制系统三项电机、驱动器,稳定性好,切割精度高,切口平滑,无需二次加工,雕刻效果好,速度快,雕刻深度可自动调节。(可选配伺服电机)
YD-1318/1326/1626 laser flat bed are developed specially for the needs of advertisement , decoration and upholster, and other relative industries. The type of machine has double functions of high-speed engraving and high-speed cutting. The imported guid rail equipped makes the machine run steadily, advanced DSP control system, triphase engine, and drives to make it stable. Precision of cutting is high and the incision is smooth, no need of second working, with good effect of engraving, high speed, and the depth of the engraving can be adjusted automatically. (Optional: Servo Motor)
 ◆技术参数 / Technical-parameters:
型号  Size YD-1318 YD-1326 YD-1626
工作幅面  Processing area 1300 x 1800mm 1300 x 2500mm 1650 x 2500mm
整机尺寸  Whole machine size 2250 x 1800 x 1000 2950 x 1800 x 1000 3110 x 2100 x 1000
激光类型  Laser-type 封离式CO2激光管Sealed CO2 laser tuble
冷却方式  Cooling mode 强制水冷及保护系统Water-cooling and protection system
激光功率  Laser power 80w or 100w or 130w or 150w
雕刻速度  Engraving Speed 0-60,000mm/min
重复定位精度  Resetting position accuracy ±0.05mm
最小成型文字  Minimum shaping character English1×1mm
支持图形格式  Graphic format supported BMP,HPGL,PLT,DSTand AI
控制软件  Controlling software DSP控制系统  DSP control system
兼容软件  Compatible software CorelDraw,AutoCAD,Photoshop
驱动电机  Driving system 步进  stepper
工作电压  Working voltage AC 110-220V±10%,50-60Hz
工作温度  Operating temperature 0-45℃
工作湿度  Operating humidity 5-95%
◆适用材料 / Application:
Acrylic, Double-color board, glass, paper, wooden board, MDF, cloth, leather.
◆适用行业 / Application Industry:
Advertisement marking, Architectural decoration, crafts glass, Furniture, wood package, mold, toy, cloth, ect.

  • 公司名称:广州新耀荣数控技术发展有限公司
  • 联系人:艾全勇
  • 联系电话:020-38866618-10
  • 传真:+86-020 -37618118
  • 性别:男
  • QQ:104281794
  • 电子出箱:13903002188@qq.com
  • 邮政编号:510090
  • 公司地址:广东省广州市越秀区麓湖路5号岭南大厦副楼501
  • 公司网址:http://www.newpowers.com/
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